Asbestos was used in a vast array of materials within buildings until its use was finally abolished in 1999. The government sets out specific legislation and guidance to encompass the management of asbestos materials within non-domestic premises (including the common areas of residential blocks).
Asbestos is naturally found in rock. “Asbestos” is a generic term for a group of fibrous mineral silicates.
Asbestos is virtually indestructible, relatively cheap and plentiful.
In the UK, the types of asbestos commercially exploited were:
- White asbestos (chrysotile)
- Brown asbestos (amosite)
- Blue asbestos (crocidolite)
Asbestos has some unique properties, such as: resistance to heat & fire, resistance to electric current, resistance to high temperatures, resistance to acids and alkalis, sound absorbency.
6 million tonnes of asbestos has been imported into the UK since the early 1900s.
The main uses of asbestos in buildings are in sprayed coatings, lagging, insulation boards, asbestos cement products and in decorative plaster finishes.
Asbestos becomes dangerous when it is breathed in. Asbestos-related diseases include asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma.
Asbestos-related diseases kill more people than any other single work-related illness.
The Duty Holder has responsibilities regarding the management of asbestos materials within non-domestic premises. This duty extends to the common parts of premises, including housing developments and blocks of flats.
The Duty Holders are those people with responsibility of the maintenance or repairing of non-domestic premises, and the owner of those premises whether they are occupied or vacant. This could include occupier or landlord; sub-lessor or managing agent In all these cases, Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations will apply, but the extent of practical duties will be determined by contractual and other legal obligations.
It is the Duty Holder's responsibility to ensure an asbestos survey is conducted and an asbestos management plan implemented.
Under Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations (2012), the Duty Holder must:
By conducting an asbestos survey, Contego Services can aid you in compliance with your duties under the Control of Asbestos Regulations.
We can find the asbestos-containing materials within the premises and check their condition
We can provide you with a written record of the location and condition of those materials
We can assess the likelihood of anyone being exposed to these materials
We can prepare a plan to manage the risk and make recommendations as appropriate