Our Services
Contego Services offers a flexible approach to aid you in complying with health and safety legislation. We provide services tailored to your work activities, as well as providing relevant health and safety guidance and advice.
Our services include:
- Health and Safety
- Risk assessments
- Health & safety policy formation
- Health & safety manuals and logbooks
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) assessments
- Display screen equipment (DSE) assessments
- Fire Safety
- Fire risk assessments
- Fire evacuation drills
- Asbestos Surveys and Asbestos Management
- Surveys
- Policy and management plans
- Project management
- Contractor vetting
- Re-inspections
We also offer a reduced-rate Combined Service for the common areas of residential properties, incorporating a health and safety assessment, fire risk assessment and asbestos survey within one survey visit.